High Performance Computing & Simulation


The High Performance Computing and Simulation Lab focuses on advancing high-performance computing (HPC) and parallel discrete event simulation (PDES). Our research covers a wide range of topics, including the development of efficient algorithms, innovative architectural frameworks, and advanced runtime environments. We aim to address the fundamental challenges of modern computing, such as managing heterogeneous hardware, optimizing power consumption, and improving synchronization mechanisms for large-scale simulations.

Our primary objective is to enhance the efficiency and scalability of simulation systems. We work on speculative processing models to improve energy efficiency and performance across various applications. Our efforts in power-aware computing strive to balance computational power and energy use, ensuring optimal performance within constrained power budgets.

We also contribute to the design of concurrent data structures and algorithms essential for high-performance simulation and computing. Our work includes developing lock-free data structures that support highly concurrent access, which is crucial for next-generation PDES platforms.

Additionally, we are committed to developing robust runtime environments that provide scalable and efficient performance across distributed systems. Our collaborations with academic and research institutions worldwide enable us to remain at the forefront of computational research, continuously advancing the field of HPC and PDES.
