The ROme OpTimistic Simulator  2.0.0
A General-Purpose Multithreaded Parallel/Distributed Simulation Platform
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 asm_defines.cAssembly build support module
 atomic.hAtomic operations
 jmp.hArchitecture-independent ULT header
 memusage.cMemory usage module
 memusage.hMemory usage module header
 thread.cGeneric thread management facilities
 thread.hGeneric thread management facilities
 ult.cUser-Level Threads
 ult.hUser-Level Threads Headers
 x86.cX86 synchronization primitives
 x86.hX86 disassembler header
 communication.cCommunication Routines
 communication.hCommunication Routines
 gvt.cDistributed GVT Support module
 gvt.hDistributed GVT Support module
 mpi.cMPI Support Module
 mpi.hMPI Support Module
 wnd.cMessage delivery support
 wnd.hMessage delivery support
 core.cCore ROOT-Sim functionalities
 core.hCore ROOT-Sim functionalities
 init.cInitialization routines
 init.hInitialization routines
 array.hThis is the implementation of a dynamic array, used for managing various data structures
 bitmap.hBitmap data type
 calqueue.cCalendar Queue Implementation
 calqueue.hCalendar Queue Implementation
 hash_map.cThis header implements a simple hash map data structure
 hash_map.hThis header implements a simple hash map data structure
 list.hGeneric Lists
 msgchannel.cA (M, 1) channel for messages
 msgchannel.hA (M, 1) channel for messages
 ccgs.cConsistent and Committed Global State
 ccgs.hConsistent and Committed Global State
 fossil.cHousekeeping operations
 gvt.cGlobal Virtual Time
 gvt.hGlobal Virtual Time
 abm_layer.cThis file contains the implementation of the the agent based modeling interface offered by ROOT-Sim
 numerical.cNumerical Library
 numerical.hNumerical Library
 wrapper.cStdlib wrapper
 buddy.cA Buddy System implementation
 checkpoints.cState saving and restore for model state buffers
 dymelor.cDynamic Memory Logger and Restorer (DyMeLoR)
 dymelor.hDynamic Memory Logger and Restorer (DyMeLoR)
 ecs.cEvent & Cross State Synchornization
 ecs.hEvent & Cross State Synchornization
 mm.hMemory Manager main header
 platform.cMalloc wrappers
 segment.cSegment allocator
 slab.cSlab Allocator
 state.cLP state management
 state.hLP state management
 queues.cMessage queueing subsystem
 queues.hMessage queueing subsystem
 xxhash.cFast Hash Algorithm
 xxhash.hFast Hash Algorithm
 binding.cLoad sharing rules across worker threads
 binding.hLoad sharing rules across worker threads
 control.cProcessing points for control messages
 preempt.cLP preemption management
 process.cGeneric LP management functions
 process.hLP control blocks
 scheduler.cThe ROOT-Sim scheduler main module
 scheduler.hThe ROOT-Sim scheduler main module header
 stf.cO(n) scheduling algorithm
 stf.hO(n) scheduling algorithm
 serial.cSerial scheduler
 serial.hSerial scheduler
 statistics.cStatistics module
 statistics.hStatistics module
 main.cThis module contains the entry point for the simulator, and some core functions
 ROOT-Sim.hROOT-Sim header for model development